Lesson 1
The Hook
You’ll learn the 3 core principles to follow when starting a sales call to ensure the prospect stays on the phone.
Lesson 2
Opening Objections
You’ll learn how to overcome initial objections, and also discover how to avoid those objections in the first place.
Lesson 3
Building Rapport When Selling Insurance
You’ll learn how to build relationships with your prospects so that people TRUST YOU, and DO BUSINESS with you.
Lesson 4
Building Value vs Selling On Price (Auto)
You’ll learn how to get people to pay more for their Auto so they could be insured with your agency, instead of staying with their current carrier.
Lesson 5
Building Value vs Selling on Price (Homeowners)
You’ll learn how to get people to pay more for their Homeowners so they could be insured with your agency, instead of staying with their current carrier.
Lesson 6
Combining (The Hook) + (Building Value vs Selling on Price)
You’ll learn how to effectively pivot from the Hook, to going over the prospects Auto, and Homeowners policy.
Lesson 7
Multi-Lining Auto & Homeowners
You’ll learn how to bundle Auto & Homeowners in a seamless way. The client, the producer, and the agency all win when a client bundles their home and auto insurance.
Lesson 8
Multi-Lining Renters
You’ll learn how to bundle Renters insurance with Auto, and sell them as a bundle.
Lesson 9
Multi-Lining Umbrella
You’ll learn how to effectively pivot from the Hook, to going over the prospects Auto, and Homeowners policy.
Lesson 10
Cost Presentation
You’ll learn how to present the price in the MOST COMPELLING way possible. An agent should be able to explain the price in a way that gets the client excited to pay.
Lesson 11
Asking for the Sale
You’ll learn how to close the sale in the FIRST CALL by using the most effective closing script in the insurance industry.
Lesson 12
Combining (Cost Presentation) + (Asking For The Sale)
You’ll learn how to transition from presenting the price to collecting the prospects payment information so that you can close the sale in the FIRST CALL.
Lesson 13
Closing Objections
You’ll learn how to overcome closing objections by being assertive, and not aggressive.
Lesson 14
Sale Wrap-Up & Setting Onboarding Appointment
You’ll learn how to set an in-person (or virtual) appointment with your new client so that you can complete the Onboarding Appointment.
Lesson 15
Hosting an Onboarding Appointment
You’ll learn how to complete an in-depth policy review, go over your referral process, get an online review, and set the tone to retaining your new client for life! When done well, Onboarding Appointments reduce service work and offer another opportunity to write more business.
Lesson 16
Generating Referrals From New Clients
You’ll learn how to get your new and existing clients to send you referrals.
Lesson 17
Lead Follow-Up Blueprint
You’ll learn how to get more people to return your calls so that you have more quoting opportunities.
Lesson 18
4 Stages of Learning
You’ll learn what you need to do to achieve MASTERY in the sales & referral process that you learned in THE ONE CALL CLOSE MASTERCLASS.
Lesson 19
How to Leave Effective Sales Notes
You’ll learn how to leave sales notes like a true professional. Being organized helps you know exactly where you left off in a conversation.
Lesson 20
How to Structure Your Day
You’ll learn how to structure your day in a way that helps your team not just be BUSY, but be PRODUCTIVE.